Relevance of Time

— UofU student art exhibition (Faculty Choice Award)
— AIGA SLC 100 show
conceptualizing time

inspired by science, history of animation, & music.

The concept of time was the focus for this piece.
It is an analog 24-frame animation.

In-person, one cannot see the animation, only the still 24 frames that make up the animation. A time recording device, such as a smartphone camera, is required to see the animation.

Be aware of time and how these clocks are disassociated with our concept of time.

The piece is displayed atop of a record player, a device of the past, that plays music that has been recorded on vinyl records. The piece rotates with the vinyl record to create the animation.

The viewer can move the stylus atop the vinyl to listen to the record, this will play the song at a rapid pace, this is meant to disassociate the viewer from time.

Listen to the records:
Vikki Carr
Simon & Garfunkel
Paul Barbarin’s New Orleans Stompers

    thank you for your time    thank you for your time

Be aware of time and how these clocks are disassociated with our concept of time.