
brand identity

passion project: ocean conservation.

ocean+ is a non-profit focused on bringing awareness to the effects climate change has on our seas.

ocean+ sets out to be the Nike of non-profits in terms of fashionable design choices.

coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™  —
coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™  —

coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™  —

coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™  —
coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™  —

coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™  —
coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™  —

coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™  —

coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™  —
coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™ —  coming soon ™  —

Ocean+ believes that making non-profit work fashionable will help spread knowledge of climate change. Creating a popular brand tied to ocean preservation will maintain an unconscious awareness for the need of ocean restoration.

  thank you for your time    thank you for your time
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The ocean provides over half the world’s oxygen.